For one of the world's largest cities, this place is quiet and calm (at least the corners we've been hanging out in), and most places are closed today due to the holiday, but Brenda and I booked a street art walking tour in the Roma neighborhood and had a great time seeing another slice of Mexico City.
Our tour guide, Chris, started by explaining the difference between street art and graffiti (legal/often commission vs. illegal; image-based vs. letter-based; for the viewer vs. for the artist - and a few other interesting finer points), and then we walked around the neighborhood viewing pieces done by artists from around the world.
commissioned by Jet Blue promoting a non-stop from MEX to BOS. Art meets commerce. |
I LOVE the cat part of this piece! |
made with stencils |
done after the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City - Frida and Frida the dog. |
Frida the dog worked search and rescue after the quake and is credited with finding and saving 35 people who were buried in the rubble. |
Can't remember which famous Mexican artist lives here - gorgeous house and studio. |
another symbol of Mexican strength and solidarity post-2017 quake. |
commissioned by the owner of the restaurant property who is a huge fan of Haya Miyazaki. Fittingly, the restaurant is a BBQ joint. |