So I went out with S_ tonight who works at the hotel. We had made a plan to go out, were going to take the bus together from the hotel to town, her usual M.O., run up to her place so she could change, and get some food. Not long after this plan was formulated, she called my room to say she could get in trouble for socializing with a guest (this had occurred to me) and that we shouldn't leave together, but instead, meet up in town. As it happened, she ended up on the shuttle to town that I was taking from the hotel (this was an unusual turn of events, she usually takes the bus home), and we got off together with the other hotel guests. It looked pretty coincidental, but this is the reason for the "S_" and the reason I deleted the name of the hotel from earlier posts.
So S_ has only been in PV a few weeks. She has a boyfriend who is from here and lives with him and his parents. She has degrees in political science and Spanish literature, no real job prospects in Illinois, where she's from, and a boyfriend in PV. So she came here, scored the job at the hotel and plans to stay. We had a nice night out. We first went to her house so she could change out of her hotel clothes, then walked along the waterfront for a while. S_ mentioned a few taco stands that she frequents, but we ended up at a fairly touristy restaurant in a fairly touristy part of town. No matter though, we had margaritas and chips and guac, and a very funny conversation about - oh, you know, life in general.
So I managed to fulfill the "people to meet" spirit of the blog tonight. Doesn't happen often.