What better way to spend one's birthday than eating tacos with strangers in Culver City? None, I tell ya. So off I went to meet William, the taco tour guide at Tito's Tacos. Tito's has been serving the quintessential American taco since 1958: hard shell, cheddar cheese (a product unknown south of the border), and iceberg lettuce. My fellow taco-tourists were Eddy and Alexandra from Cambridge, Mass. and Abi from New Zealand by way of Oman, and we all agreed that Tito's tacos were tasty, but we were just getting started.

Our next stop was Tacos Tamix, a taco truck that specializes in tacos al pastor, which is sliced pork roasted on a vertical spit and shaved off directly into a tortilla. These were true Mexican tacos and they were fantastic.
Our third stop was Kogi, which Roy Choi, a Korean-American started as a food truck. Choi is credited with starting the gourmet food truck craze which is prevalent in L.A. and Seattle; Portland has taken it to a new level with an entire community of food trucks downtown. We had short-rib tacos with a fresh kimchi slaw - fabulous.

Last stop was Bäco which serves... well, not actual tacos but meat and slaw wrapped in a flatbread very much like naan, which in its own way is kind of taco-esque, if not technically a taco. We had green herb chicken with purple cabbage, lemon vinaigrette, thyme, and spiced yogurt. They were fancy and delicious, and a great way to end the evening with fellow travelers. I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't until I was driving back to Silver Lake that I remembered it was my birthday.
Abi, William, Alexandra, and Eddy |