Sunday, November 1, 2020

Camano Island

Clear view of Mt. Baker

Camano Island is an 'island' that warrants air-quotes as it's disconnected from the mainland by just a tiny strip of water that you can easily drive across on a highway-bridge. It's only about an hour from my house yet I'd never been there in all my years in Seattle. There is no real draw... it's very close to town and the highway that crosses the bridge to Camano is barely off I-5 so it doesn't feel like a true getaway; there isn't a quaint village area that I observed, just plenty of chain fast-food joints and way too many Trump/Pence 2020 signs; but with nothing better to do yesterday and no place [else] to go, I hopped in my car and drove north to a coastal trailhead I spotted on the map.