Thursday, October 6, 2022


And then it was on to Oslo, where I landed just a few minutes ahead of Greg's flight from Boston, culminating in a happy reunion at baggage claim. We took a taxi to the apartment where we'd be staying dropped off our stuff, and then walked down to the waterfront, looked at the iconic building that is the opera house, ate some bad pizza, and came back and crashed for the night. The next day we headed out in the same direction but this time, after we walked around on the roof of the opera house, we took a tip from one of Greg's co-workers who had just returned from a tour of Scandinavia, and wandered into the newest branch of the Oslo Public Library. This branch opened in 2020 on what must have been the most prime piece of real estate in the city (next to the opera house). Instead of condos for the wealthy or Google-Norway, the land went to the City which put it to use for the public, in the form of what must be one of the most dynamic libraries in the world. It is truly a gathering space for... everyone. There are spaces to lounge, to study, to play, and yes, even to read. Everyone seemed to be there: young, old, parents, students, and tourists like us. It's a beautiful, inviting space, and I'd like to think that if I lived in Oslo, I'd find myself there at least twice a week. 

Oslo public library - Deichman branch

View from our balcony in Oslo