Friday, November 23, 2018


Yesterday was a long but fabulous day. I went on a small group tour to Niagara Falls which included stops at two smaller waterfalls, visits to a small batch gin distillery and boutique winery, a nice Greek lunch, and a frigid day at the world's biggest (by water volume) waterfall.
Tiffany Falls
Sherman Falls

delicious ice wine

American Falls

Horseshoe Falls
Summer (from Bellingham!), Megan and her mom Janey (D.C./Florida), me, Alexander and his wife whose name I didn't catch (Costa Rica by way of Florida), Lili from China (by way of Ann Arbor), Victoria and her brother (Sao Paulo by way of New York) and  Vicky from New York.
When your mittens are soaking wet but you're also kind of a genius.