Saturday, August 10, 2019

Glasgow to London - Last Days

It's a long trip on the train from Glasgow to London yesterday but I thought it would be a pretty ride and I was right.

But the train was running an hour late, the tube line I needed to get to my hotel was out of service, and by the time I got where I was going which was a hotel near Heathrow, I was too tired to do anything but get something to eat and call it a night.

Today I had grand plans of going into town and doing some stuff... maybe a museum, lunch someplace interesting... it didn't happen. I've been traveling for three weeks and I'm done. I did at least take the tube into Central London this morning -- it turns out my favorite French bakery, which I know from multiple visits to the New York location, also has a shop in London, so I made my way to Dominique Ansel's, had some coffee and a cronut, bought a sandwich at Pret a Manger for later, and came back to the hotel. Great trip to the U.K., ready to go home.