Thursday, August 1, 2019

If It's Good Enough for Ron Swanson...

All my life, I have avoided Europe and its multitudes of terribleness. But it turns out, much to my surprise, there is actually one place in Europe that is worth seeing. These tiny islands off the coast of Scotland where God’s chosen elixirs are distilled, barreled, and prepared for consumption. THIS is worth the trip.
--Ron Swanson

I've never had the aversion to Europe that Ron Swanson had, but his discovery of this particular island where I currently find myself is what prompted me to come here. I've also never had his affection for Scotch whiskey, but that was no deterrent. 

So I started down the path...

...and ended up here:

Lagavulin whiskey has a peaty, smokey flavor that some people love. I though it tasted like sucking cough syrup through a campfire. But I still love Ron, and I love being on this remote Scottish island.