Saturday, August 3, 2019

Last Day on Islay

I know it's not for everyone, but I love being someplace where there's next to nothing to do. Islay definitely fit that bill. I had walked to the only distillery I wanted to visit so that was done; there's only one boat-tour company on the island and I had waited too long to book and they had no slots open for the days I was there, so that was out; I didn't have a car, so driving around just to see more of the island wasn't an option; that left visiting the Machrie Hotel, or more specifically, the spa at the Machrie Hotel and Golf Resort. So yesterday I booked myself a spa service, got on the bus in town, and got dropped off at the top of the road to the hotel. It was probably a 20 minute walk from where I got dropped to the hotel, past the sheep, along the meadows, on a beautifully sunny day. I had a fabulous massage followed by lunch at the hotel restaurant which overlooked the golf course. Couldn't have been a better day on Islay.

Back in Glasgow now, where it's pouring rain which is fine with me. Looking forward to getting back to the boonies tomorrow.