Sunday, July 7, 2019

Jet Lag

Even though I managed to stay awake last night until about 11pm, jet lag got the best of me and I was awake at 1, stayed awake until around 3, fell asleep again until about 8, got up around 9, puttered around the apartment a bit until 11, watched some iPad-TV/Youtube until noonish, and didn't get out of the apartment until 2. I didn't have anything on the agenda today but I went out into the neighborhood, bought a couple of small things, got some ice cream, walked by the river a bit, and came back. It was very uneventful but one of the nice things about staying so long in one place (I'm here for ten-and-a-half days) is that there's no pressure to see something new every minute of every day. One cool thing I did see was this interesting piece of street art: